209 Weeks

A Weekly Postcard Project

A vintage postcard from 1918, wishing someone a happy Christmas.

209 Weeks is a weekly postcard art project that will take place during Trump’s second term.

Despite the 2024 presidential election results, I believe that most people truly care about others. To remind myself of that truth, I am proposing a postcard based art project to help us connect with each other and make it through four more years of Trumpism. But I need your help. I want to gather your words of sustenance—your favorite quotes, lines of poetry, affirmations, reminders that feed and fuel you—and send those words on to someone else.

I will combine these words of sustenance with photography to create unique postcards——209 in total, one for each week of the presidential term. Each week, someone who has submitted their own words to the project will receive a postcard with someone else’s words on it. You can learn more here.

I am currently looking for approximately 55 participants for Year 1 (2025). If you’re interested in participating, please fill out the form below. Thank you!

View the Postcards

  • This black and white photo shows a pile of itty bitty acorn caps mixed in with wood chips. In the center of the photo, there is a small acorn.

    Week 2 of 209 Weeks

    Week 2 of 209 Weeks: “The fact that we hope, even though we know what is going on, is what makes us wonderful.” —Arundhati Roy Photo Notes: This photo was taken at Pacem in Terris in Isanti, MN in Nov–Dec 2021. These were the tiniest acorn caps I’d ever seen.

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  • Black and white photo of a flower growing through wooden slats.

    Week 1 of 209 Weeks

    Week 1 of 209 Weeks: “Hope can be bruised and battered. It can be forced underground and even rendered unconscious, but hope cannot be killed.” —Neal Shusterman in Unsouled Photo Notes: This photo was taken at Geonsancheon Stream in Jeonju, South Korea in September of October 2018.

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