Week 3 of 209 Weeks

This black and white photo shows a dry late fall prairie filled with dried seed pods. In the background, there is a stand of trees at the edge of a forest.

This black and white photo shows a dry late fall prairie filled with dried seed pods. In the background, there is a stand of trees at the edge of a forest.
The back of this postcard reads: "People have been good at imagining the end of the worlds, which is much easier to picture than the strange sidelong paths of change in a world without end." —Rebecca Solnit Photo notes: This photo was taken at Pacem in Terris in Isanti, MIN in Nov–Dec 2021. Even though it was Nov–Dec, we'd had very little snow, so the prairie was covered in seeds.

Week 3 of 209 Weeks: “People have been good at imagining the end of the worlds, which is much easier to picture than the strange sidelong paths of change in a world without end.” —Rebecca Solnit

Photo Notes: This photo was taken at Pacem in Terris in Isanti, MIN in Nov–Dec 2021. Even though it was Nov–Dec, we’d had very little snow, so the prairie was covered in seeds.

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