Artist. Researcher. Educator.
Artist. Researcher. Teacher.
Artmaking (10) Dissertation Writing (3) Graduate School (2) Home Page (12) Photography (5) postcards (3)
209 Weeks (5) artist's dates (1) artistic problem solving (1) creative fatigue (1) creative life (1) creative rest (2) cyanotypes (1) darkroom (3) dissertation art (1) photography (3) Reading (1) textile arts (1) Writing (1)
Week 3 of 209 Weeks: “People have been good at imagining the end of the worlds, which is much easier to picture than the strange sidelong paths of change in a world without end.” —Rebecca Solnit Photo Notes: This photo was taken at Pacem in Terris in Isanti, MIN in Nov–Dec 2021. Even though it…
Week 2 of 209 Weeks: “The fact that we hope, even though we know what is going on, is what makes us wonderful.” —Arundhati Roy Photo Notes: This photo was taken at Pacem in Terris in Isanti, MN in Nov–Dec 2021. These were the tiniest acorn caps I’d ever seen.
Week 1 of 209 Weeks: “Hope can be bruised and battered. It can be forced underground and even rendered unconscious, but hope cannot be killed.” —Neal Shusterman in Unsouled Photo Notes: This photo was taken at Geonsancheon Stream in Jeonju, South Korea in September of October 2018.
As I described in my previous post, there are a lot of moving parts to making a photographic postcard. I thought I had figured out my postcard plan for the 209 Weeks art project—resin coated 4 by 6 paper, RC-friendly mounting tissue, and cardstock that would easily take a rubber stamp. All I needed was…
Back in the 90s, I occasionally sent friends photo postcards. I used stick-on postcard backs, which make the photos a little stiffer and postcard like, or I just drew a vertical line down the back of a regular photo lab photo, addressed it, and threw a stamp on it. Now, thirty years later, I’ve come…